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Aka: Sivam, Siv, Blitz, Player 3, Yellow Player, Mavis, Mavz Class: Sin Status: shell Aspirations: nil. |
Thursday, September 24, 2009 cant be fucked to do my nanotech report and i had a revelation today.
life. is all about balance.
you cant be good at everything. and you cant be bad at everything. think of it as a stat sheet. you put points in your abilities, feats, develop your persona, go through trials, succeed, fail, but learn. its just like a game. no two characters are alike. sure older people are like more experienced gamers. they teach how to effectively be what you can be [Learn to play your class perhaps.]. you can copy them as much as you like but ultimately, you go through different trials , aqquire different experiences, making you, you. ok drifting anyway, balance. life has a certain… ‘way’ about it. its like a stat that you are predetermined with, that you cant add points to. for the sake of this.. write up, lets call it ‘luck’. luck is a stat that everyone has. prolly from 1-10. you cannot increase your luck, nor decrease it. it affects all situations, considering that in all events, luck plays at least a minor role. sure, you train up for something, but you also wish that you get lucky, or the opponent was unlucky. but that doesnt mean everyone has the same value for luck. some people may be blessed with a lot, and to balance that, there are people who a cursed with misfortune. you cant really determine it who has which amount, because we dont know when luck plays out, and how much influences a specific event. balance plays a role in larger groups. if you put everyone in the world and work out their abilities, you would [theoretically] see a 50% competency in every ability. like dissolves like when people of common interests come together, pool their abilities and overcome a great feat. but to balance that, they leave the incompetent in a group, and they crash and burn. what if… you knew you were that incompetent person? i look around, everyone has already tapped into their potential. i know awesome people, who are great at doing what they do best. and what do i do? just bring them down. i am a counterweight, a person that when included in anything, just serves to make every task look averagely done. if i wasnt there, it would be perfect, but my great misfortune and low stats just make everything look half-baked. what abilities to i have? nothing. i cannot say with great confidence that i am good in something, because i know somewhere, there is someone , doing the same thing as me, only way better. i. suck. maybe i should just stay alone. this way everyone can advance faster, and i wont be able to pull them down to my level. why the fuck would anyone wanna hang around with a deadweight who only knows how to embarrass himself and is an idiot half the time [and the other half, isnt even there.] its times liek these i wonder if there is really a higher power. so many issues need to be addressed. if i am a counterweight, whats the point? just to suck at everything, bring people down, then die? kinda stupid isnt it? but i would really like to know. if i am destined for nothing but msfortune, i would love to know in advance, that way i wont start anyhting, bcause i know i am destined for failure. would you be able to continue on your life’s journey, if you knew the destination was nowhere? Sunday, April 19, 2009 ever since i got the final fantasy IX soundtrack, ive been listening to the tunes and have come up with my favourites. as you know, i recently picked up the title once again, to see if i can unlock any more stuff, and hopefully fulfill the task of completing the game using one character [prolly Zidane, since he’s my favourite]
First is Loss of Me. commonly known as Beatrix’s Theme. personally i find her hot, but i think its because of the fact she’s a sword wielder, and she has eyepatch. and we all know that accesories= moe..
Protecting my devotion : its a variation of Loss of Me, and it played during the siege of Alexandria. Steiner and Beatrix team up to fight the Mistodons invading the city, and this was the tune that was being played thougout the whole part of the game.
Black Mage Village : it had a nice beat, and revealed more about Vivi’s past.
this tune is slowly growing on me.. Titles You’re not Alone!, this tune is played when Zidane finds out the truth of his existence and he goes emo. His going emo phase was epic. [wats a bunch of bastards! but then again, im the best loser of them all]
Now i like Zidane. he was the best character ever. why? 1) Main character of FF9. and i like FF9 2) He was a thief. never has a thief been a main character. 3)Wielder of Ultima Weapon , Strongest weapon ingame. 4) His best skill, Thievery was determined by his speed value, and the numbers of successful steals ingame [basically i used him to steal items, so i never bought potions, only weapons] 5) yellow hair, love the freaking colour 6) He had a skill called ‘Sacrifice’ in which, he would lose all MP and HP, killing himself, but would restore that much to all other party members. 7) His Tagline was ‘Virtue : You don’t need a reason to help people’ sadly he gets the girl endgame. but technically i lost years ago. so meh.
Vamo’alla Flamenco : played during chocobo hot and cold. god dammit ive heard this song the most number of times ingame, and thats because im trying to get points to trade for a card. im acutally gonna complete my card collection! JOY. also during the blank and zidane fight, which i NEVER seems to get 100 people impressed.
The song played during the OP sequence, and the first tune i heard when i played this games for the very first time [well..duh]. Titled The Place I’ll Return to Someday.
and we cant forget the 2 importants songs ingame.
the song that indicates the start of a normal battle! and…
VIctory Fanfare!
Garnets Song of Memories. …bawwww..
thats it really.. thats alot of songs.. but hey, i love the game. so it cant be helped.
and i just realized that Kuja is FABULOUS. especially his outfit. o god.
well thats it for now. im actually sleepy. and i need to study for chem. i guess i will leave my depressing post for next time. i shud pick up bloggin again ok i know what everyone is thinking. where the hell have i been. well. i have been busy. and not just a little busy. i mean ‘oh my god i hand up this thing and they reward me with another thing. and while wondering what this thing is about, someone else hands me a third thing’ busy. so i guess im sorry i have not blogged. i guess i will start from the most recent topic and try to see how far my memory serves me.
Restarted playing final fantasy 9 again. i guess im trying to accomplish my goal of finishing as many FF titles before i graduate. a thing i realized about myself. i kinda prefer the titles that have a more medieval, past them, as compared to the technology futuristic theme. crystals are awesome. materia? not as much. hence the order intend to play is.
Final Fantasy 9 [fuck yea Zidane you are my role model] Final Fantasy 3 [Onion Knights!] Final Fantasy 1 [Fighter , Thief, WM , BM party] Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 4 and Maybe 5 or 6.
7 8 10, 10-2 and 12 can wait. id prolly do 10 first since i love Blitzball [i can play that for hours on end…] and leave 10-2 for last since i dont intend to play Princess dress me up.
i just realize my lst post was a month before i came over to aus. so i guess i will fill you in Aus is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC.
my god its like the army, in the sense i am away from home. but instead of training, im studying, and i dont get to stay at home. i get to skype whenever, do whatever. the freedom is alright. but then again im wasting too much money since im going out more. i cant stay in my room for long periods of time, hence my online gaming life is practically erased. it also helps that this place has the worst internet in the world.
the people are nice. i just came bck from a road trip during the easter break. it was fun [3dys 2 nights] almost got smashed. prolly drunk, but still aware, so yay. problem was the snorkelling. im not a water person. i know it, everyone knows it. i dont like swimming, the sea, the ocean [the beach is ok. for shell gathering and wading] but i dont like gettin wet. but since the whole gang was for snorkelling i thought, i migt give it a shot. i dont regret it, it was fun. considering when you look underwater, its clear, and you see schools of fish. its just that my body was on auto-fear, and i prolly wasnt getting the full experience. fear consumed me, with my heart rate almost doubling, and taking deep breaths all the time, thus making my dive up for air very often. if only i didnt have this fear of water, i my hve gotten a better experience out of it. but hey, i dont regret it. it was le awesome.
after playing Dissidia for the past 4 months, i have come to the conclusion that Sephiroth is indeed, awesome. his background, his personality and his theme song [One-winged Angel] are beutiul. i maxed out Zidane, Onion Knight, The Emperor and Sephiroth for kicks. and got tired of trying to max kefka. taking a break until the english version comes out. following text is about ff9, if you dont know nuts about it. sorry. but you should. go play it. fuck cloud, squall, sephiroth and all your bishounen. As For FF9, i think ive gone beyond help. i grinded with Zidane, Freya, Vivi and Quina near chocobos forest till they learnt all their abilities. cept zidane, since he doesnt have ap up. on disc 2, i grinded garnet and steiner to a point where garnet has now 100 MP. thus abling her to cast shiva. without her gettin kidnapped. intending to use before she gets kidnapped, and stripped of all summons until the … opal gem i recall? steiners blood sword is fuckwin.
also, captured 25 frogs. quina does 500 frog drop now. in the beginning of disc 2! u can imagine the pain of waiting. and almost everyone has ap up and level up. and auto reflect… i went to buy out the auction. lol.
schol is meh. summary. Maths : like a maths only with essays ivolved Physics: fun at first, now its just balls [we have 3 dimensions. x y and z. and a fourth dimension, time, which is perpendicular to all 3 dimensions. OMG WAT] Chem i fun [i dont know what on earth is goin on most of the time. but after i do the experiment, i just write down the facts and observations, and they all piece together] Bio is the worst. [so much to read so much to read so much to read.]
other than that.nothing else is happening. so i shall stop here. i will try to blog again. but yea..
kthxbye [been i aus for 2 months and i have rank 37litres of ribena and ate around 2kg of chips. SHIT WS SO CASH] Monday, January 05, 2009 FIRST POST OF THE YEAR FUCK YES
First Off , Merry Xmas, Happy New Year. 2009: are you ready?
random stuff here and there but thats just how i do stuff.
ok what has happened since the 24th? lets see... nothing much really. i spent xmas at home.. wishing random people. i think i was watching Casshern SINS when it was midnight but i cant recall exactly. but i know christmas day was eventful. i went out with the players for... pool, and dinner at pastamania. player managed to join us at night for dinner , and while waiting for him, the rest of us were playing pool. but in the afternoon, someone suggested that we play munchkin overnight. at first i was against it coz i had work the next day. but in the end, we ended up playing at white sands mac from 10pm to 7am.
and then i wnet to work immediately after that. which wasnt so bad, coz there wasnt much to do since the peak period was over and i was thankful. i was awake for more that 33hours. doesnt beat the best of 37 tho [sec 2-4. cant remember.] 3 games were played. 2 epic, 1 normal. 1st victor : me, 2nd: dan, 3rd: jon. jerm gets consolation prize. strangely. me and jon won both our games by reach level 21, and annihilating the extra effort dungeon card from the game, thus reducing the req to 20, auto winning. and the most stupid thing was that he stole the annihilation card from me during the previous round in the last game! [if you dont understand anything ive just said... sorry] i got a hip flask for xmas from my parents. mom: here u go me: hm? i dont need anyhting mom: just take it me: ok ty *open* me: its a hip flask mom: yea me: .... you want me to drink? mom: its not only for alcohol me: so what am i going to do with it? mom: fill it up with ribena? [wat] me: 150ml capacity mom: yea. fill it up with concentrate, then use your other bottle and fill that up with water. so you potentially can make 1 litre of ribena with 150ml of the conc. [wow] me: uh... ok i'll take note of that. lets try it now mom: oh you cant, we dont have anymore ribena at hom me: .... ok then. but its still a nice flask tho o yea, in case you were thinking 'you work?' well.. not anymore.. last day was the 31st. been working in end of sept at cpf. quite fun. first 3 weeks were hard coz i had no idea what the hell i was doing, but after, it was pretty smooth. not to mention there was some cute [if not short] girls around. saturday, i went to buy my psp. i was thinking about gettin one in a long time. with the lack of good games on the ds, and the fact that most of my friends have psp's i decided to get one. some notes on sat. met jerm [player 1] at pasir ris. had lunch there. dan and jon [2 and 0] were swimming and going to have lunch in tamp so we took our time. we then met them on the train goin to bugis. bought it. had dinner there. cheap dinner is cheap. and delicious. budget is good. then we went to 2's house to play and try it out. played bomberman, and monster hunter. what was supposed to be a transfer of games and go home by ten thirty ended up being an overnight psp party. we played until 4 am. and then slept till 9. wtf. then we went to have breakfast at 11 near tp and i only reached home at 12. it was fucking awesome. but we stayed up 2 nights in 4 days. which is kinda disturbing. luckily i had the whole of sunday to recover. monday to wednesday was pretty much normal.. work.. home.. repeat. wed was my last day, and since it was new years eve, it was a half day. ended at one fuck yea! had lunch at thai express. the black pepper soft shell crab is full of win. then i accompanied her to wheelock then went home to get ready for ranjan's birthday.
o yea, 31st of dec = ranjan [cousin] and john's [poly mate] birthday. one turns 21 and the other 22. wow. went to ranjans function with the family, had to leave early to go to dan's house for overnight pps party[yes, 3rd all nighter in 2 weeks. wtf]. and i met jesslyn from my sec sch [3 years my junior] huh. small world. then i went to dan's house to play monster hunter. but we ended around 3am.. zz
thursday and friday ere kinda boring. i spent the whole of thursday and friday finishing up Heavens Feel of the Fate Story. This marks the end of Fate: Stay Night. Sakura's route is depressing. died too many times, but unlocked alot of stuff. more details on that to follow. i may post pics of the story if i remember some parts... but basically it was depressing. and after completing the story, they put a new main menu that shows Sakura trees, and the music just reminds you of the path and the bittersweet True End.
pic related. Sakura True Ending.
anyway.. saturday afternoon went to jeremy's place for the last game in a long time, considering everyone is goin to study by feb and no one has free days. from 4pm to 7am, monster hunter 2. old game yea, but still fun. pizza was invovled and lots of wasabi peanuts. i swear those things keep you awake very well. the trick is to pop one, crunch it once, pop another, crunch once, repeat until mouth full. soon, the heat will just go to your nose and brain and you wont be able to sleep. and now we come to sunday. reached home at 8, slept till 12. got a call at 2 to go out by 3.30. met the army guys for dinner and random stuff. we had dinner at paragon. and i only realized the place since i was there on wednesday to eat at thai express. lol
ok im too sleepy and this is pretty brief for a blog post. i suppose i could blog about fate stay night later.. but we'll see how it goes.
Up Next: Planetarian, True Rememberance, and hopefully CLANNAD. all i know is, i got alot of stuff to do this month. until next time. and once again, Happy Holidays [Now Listening To: The Ultimate HOTBLOOD Soundtrack] Sunday, December 28, 2008 I am the Bone of my Sword Steel is my Body, and Fire is my Blood I have created over a thousand Blades Unknown to Death, Nor Known to Life Have withstood pain to create many Weapons Yet, those hands will never Hold Anything So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.
[Here I come King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock?] Wednesday, December 24, 2008 a = b
tip: divide by zero they all laughed at me when i called the flyer a death trap. now whos laughing? me. lulz. on a serious note, lucky it didnt happen in the afternoon. with the airc onditioning cut, it could have been a total greenhouse effect. would potentially cause 784 people [28 capsules with max capacity of 28 so yea.] to bake. or photosynthesize.. i was imagining if i was stuck in the thing for 6 hours so this is what i came up with 1) play wifi. 2) if ds runs out of power, listen to music. 3) if ipod runs out of power, just laugh it out. or borrow friend's psp thanksfully after the first time i went with my parents, i swore to never go again. haha the suckers. to all those couples, and families, and lonely people, wishing to go on the flyer for christmas to celebrate love or lack of it[for lonely people.im sure your invisible friend will be there for you tho.] tough luck. closed until investigations are done. and the odds of it being done my xmas, is loooooooooooow. tried manhattan fish market on monday. opened a brach in whitesands. cash payment =O. thats besides the point. think fish and co. only.... not? alaskan pollock fish and chips = =D. dory was better tho. btw, alaskan pollock = pollock from alaska. just wanted to say it. last week was eventful as well. went to eat with jon, esther, dan. then we went to watch the day to earth stood still. notes boy playing a lvl 40+ paladin inw orld of warcraft. fighting nagas in STV. in the movie, he told his mom that she got him killed. which is a total lie coz paladins CANNOT die. bubble, lay on hands, bubble hearth ??? PROFIT. keanu reeves has one expression. but that ability alone made him shine, considering he was supposed to be an alien. the part where he says he is going to save the planet, i assumed everyone knew, all humans are going to die. so in the middle of the movie when the heroine was saying 'but you said you were going to help us' and he goes 'i said i was going to save your planet' i was the only one laughing. ten seconds later, when the heroine shits bricks and says '...from us. you are saving the planet from us.' everyone was shocked. i mean COME ON. when aliens come to our planet, it generally means, we humans are fucked. everyone knows we fucked our planet. hell, even humans know we fucked our planet. its in our genetic code. right next to G. no one wants to save humans. how can anyone not see a pattern? war of the worlds, mars attacks etc. aside from freaking disney movies [and they dont count. im glad high school musical ends in three. unless they all dont make it to college, in which 4, is next.. or they all go to the same college. then it becomes porn.{ashley tisdale nekkid. rainbows.}], whenever aliens come down to earth, we will die.. im not saying all humans.. most humans survive.. but a considerable number of people will perish.. women and children especially. then us normal people. so please dont be surprised and say ' oh my god he said saave planet but he wants to kill us WHOWOULDHAVEKNOWN.' you should know. everyone should know. stop being retarded and hope aliens will come down and give us free technology[I CAN HAS LAZURS?] and solutions to all our problems. the fact they land on earth, without knowing, proves to them that they are superior. and that just increases the urge for them to purge us, so that they can use our resources for their stuff. and dont even think about defences. they can pass through our satellite detection system without knowing. im sure they can kill us without us even noticing them. sigh. although it was wierd that i was the only laughing. meh. 3rd point. it reeked of bibly stuff. the ark, the plague. the plague was awesome. they were eating a diamond bit drill. it was a small little bug eating diamond, after it reaches it's limit, it splits into 2, then it repeats. so basically what was running through my head was 'NOMNOMNOM SPLIT'. Keanu was the best jesus ever. he endured the wave of the bugs. and touched sacraficed his life to save man[which he shouldnt have] and said unto the shiny orb 'forgive them, for they are a race that do not know what they are doing'. ok maybe he didnt say that...but he should have. also, the shiny orb the aliens used to travel to earth? it was Ozma. from FF9. you heard it here first. also dont you find it funny that the moment an alien came out of the orb, someone shot it. kinda says alot doesnt it.... and they never said what planet it came from.. so meh. tuesday i had dinner with jason and jerry at Minori in Katong. [PITCHER BIBITERU HEY HEY HEY!]. eating with them is an awesome experience. so for two days straight i had jap food. but tuesday was alot of sashimi. it was frigging awesome. talked about wow, and bf1942. much lulz were had. i finally got a plan for new years. basically. on the eve till midnight, i will play planeterian, the following days will be spent completing clannad and the after story. for the time being, i will spend my time completing heaven's feel, thus fully completing Fate/ Stay Night.. if i have time after all that, i'llplay tsukihime but thats last on my list. the first 3 alone would probably set me into such a state i will be a shell of my former self [and nothing of value was lost?..]. i could always be an hero and play eureka 7 while playing it. suzuka and binbo shimai monogatari did the same thing to me, but i was weak. eureka 7 is potent enough. then play dear you from the higurashi album. sudden urge to an hero. but im strong! the rest of the week was pretty uneventful. lvl 10 sub sub appretntice accordion thief. moxious. waiting on jerm to get his com then me dan and jerm will be playing warhammer. fuck yea witch hunter. 2 weeks ago on friday, i went out to eat dinner, then i went to eugene's house tot ry out the board game version of munchkin, entitle munchkin quest.. notes 1) it is possible to level up purely on gold. just search room, explore empty room, search. each uses one movement, so min 3 is used in turn, which is perfect. 2) thieves are nerfed. steal is no longer an available ability. hence, u can take any items. 3) current record is farming gold to reach lvl 9. but severly underpowered as i didnt kill any monsters , thus not gettin any weapons. 4) loaded die, reloaded die. are fucking awesome. we played 2 games. started at 12-1am. first game was co-op. [no backstabbing, cooperate to reach level 10 and kill boss. basically a game to learn about the rules.] took two hours. money was ok, but since it had 2 people killing a monster at a time, we had items and levels. that took 2 hours. second game was free-for-all. daniel drew first blood with a curse, and that was the start. in order to not get cursed in battle i figured id try my luck to get through just gettin money and hoping my rolls were high enough to ransack rooms for treasure. and them someone drew a Lame Goblin [-1 to all dice rolls] and i was screwed. but a record of 10k over the whole match. used 8k to get to lvl 9, used 2k to buy 3 items at 1.5k.. then i sold the useless items, got another 1k, and use a card to trade 1.5k for 3 more cards! so basically i leveled, being a farmer. reminds me of my days inw arcraft. being the noob i am. i just harvest gold and lumber and made many moon wells. i was the team healpad... but i have no defences what so ever so i will get raped all the time. but the good thing was, no matter wat game, i was top resources! not anyhting to be proud of tho. but the game took 8hours. i ended up reachin home at 945am. didnt sleep. but it was totally worth it. the thing about munchkin is that the rules are very very fuzzy. hence the rulebook 'any disputes will be argued loudly until decided. if anything, the owner of the game has the last say' which was an advantage to me, since i owned the card game. the board game was eugene so.... meh.of course with the card game, i usually settle dispute with dice rolls. the higher roller is always the winner. thats it really for the past few weeks. [flannery(f): you cant steal it eugene(e): but the card says any big item f: but its on my hireling e: but it said any big item, it never said not neccessarily on ahireling f: but its wrong to steal a hireling. e: it may be wrong, but it can still be done me: ah dammit, this is taking too long. settle this fairly. *toss them the dice. go roll, highest roller is correct, the fates favour him, and that is the path we will take! f: fff no e: wat? me: owner of game, last say. now roll, i wanna steal more stuff. jason: u stole my coat of arms, i will remember all. me: but i wanted to use my 3handed sword jason: excuses daniel: i wan that sword! jeremy: shut up daniel no sword for you e: okok roll. eugene rolls a 5. f: .... me: if you believe you are correct, and if you are really correct, you will roll a 6. f: sigh flannery rolls a 3 me: tough luck. on hireling gone. lol. oh and i got curse after that since jason was sore about the coat of arms. Sunday, December 21, 2008 the next time someone asks you for more information even after you have helped them through everything, you should encourage them to look at the Frequently Asked Questions section, and find out more.
In other words
Go FAQ yourselves.
also, Unlimited Blade Works done.
Emiya track is awesome. nothing beats the depressing sounds of Ever-present feeling though Wednesday, December 10, 2008 No matter what , you can never change your fate. A thief will always be a thief. a thief can never hope to be a knight. it is just not in him. and besides, even he were to do stuff that knights only do, people will still consider him a thief. although this is partly my fault as well. what was i thinking? to actually hope that it could come true. of course i do love to squash my own dreams, but if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. it seemed so perfect and then i had to ask a critical question, and all the pieces came together. it made sense, im glad i made it make sense, but then i feel angry about it. thats the problem with me. i actually HOPE. i really should not. but meh, what can i say? im a weak nublet. since im on a roll , ive decided to fully play planetarian on new years eve to usher in the new year in ronery. also, i will complete CLANNAD. after story included. by the end of the year. spending the last few days of the year, in baww. currently playing Unlimited Blade Works. finished Stay Night, it was meh. [haha shirou you suck. the love of your life confessing to you, and then slowly fading out of existence. still, it could be worse. she may tell you she had a crush on you years ago but was too afraid to tell you in the past. and she decides to tell you now coz she got over you and wanted to get it off your chest! no im not bitter, why do you ask?] yea slow sivam is slow. he is only halfway through unlimted blade works, and hasnt even touched rin. archer is awesome. not as in combat fighting awesome, but as in ' i hate you shirou drown in your ideals and die' awesome. rin is of course : Tsun-tsun-dere-tsun-dere-tsun-tsun. [dammit such a catchy tune]. unlocked most of the bad ends up to now.. just a week more to go, 5 bad/dead ends, Normal and True End. and then...Onwards to Heaven's Feel. and Sakura Matou! fuck yea she is the most awesomest chara. in b4 worms. i should just succumb to my fate. which i am doin now. playing Kingdom of Loathing and Warhammer Online. both good games. WAR for the pvp and unlocking tomes. KOL for the Lulz. also tried melty blood. Ciel is awesome. but i cant seem to fully execute her moves. and i learnt why i suck in fighting games. i dont know how to block. and blocking is a very important move [sorry if this post seems rushed or doesnt make any sense at all. blogger swallowed a whole post just now and i was pissed. ] |
The Farside by araglas |